To fake tan or not to fake tan?

I must admit I was sceptical of using self tanning foams, gels and sprays, I only ever used St Tropez Gradual Tan Moisturiser or went on a sunbed. If I think back to how many times I would go on a sunbed in a week, how long for, how much money I would spend and the health implications, it actually annoys me… What was I thinking?! As for the Gradual Tan I would find that it would only last 3 days and end up looking really patchy for a St Tropez product… Not impressed!

I needed a cheap, safe, long lasting and healthy alternative so I went on the hunt!

After seeing a few celebrity endorsements, I came across @bondisands on instagram, an Australian company, (yes I do get sucked in by celebrity promotions too). I was so pleased to find the brand was stocked in Boots and Superdrugs. I did a little research and reading reviews I was excited most by the products being on offer (I love a discount!) so off I popped to shops, I went with the Medium Tanning Foam as I was too scared to try the Ultra Dark Foam and I also got myself a mit to apply it. Total spend came to £15.95. I applied as said on the bottle, left it on for time stated and washed it off.

The result: … It wasn’t as golden as I wanted and it took another 2 applications to get my desired glow. The foam itself was easy to apply, no streaks and the smell was pleasant although it did start to smell biscuity after a while. The tan lasted for a week and a bit but most of all it did not end up looking patchy!

“But you weren’t as golden as you wanted” I hear you say … Well I only went and got the Ultra Dark didn’t I (lol), again I applied as per instructions, left it on for time stated and washed it off.

The result: GOLDEN GODDESS! and after one application.. I looked like I had just come back from a week in Marbella… YASSSS!

I have since used the Ultra Dark Foam twice to maintain the tan. There’s still so much product left for another 6/7 applications making Bondi Sands all the things I was looking for.

My top tips for applying self tan are: (I’m still a newbie but here’s what I’ve learnt so far)

  1. EXFOLIATE, EXFOLIATE, EXFOLIATE! – yes every product and review will tell you this but you have to apply to clean, free from dead skin, skin to get the most from the tan so get scrubbing. I use exfoliating gloves 4 pack from Primark £1.
  2. DO NOT MOISTURISE – I know its real tempting after a shower or bath to moisturise but whatever moisturiser, lotion or potion you use to keep your skin glossy will interfere with the applied product which will probably give you a blotchy tan… no bueno!
  3. APPLY FROM BOTTOM UP  – This was my method even when I was using Gradual Tan so I follow the same routine, feet, legs, bum, tum, back, chest, shoulders, arms, face and hands.
  4. BE CAREFUL WITH SENSITIVE AREAS – No I do not mean down there, I’m talking about feet, knees, elbows and hands. These are the areas that are the driest on our bodies and will host the giveaway signs of wearing fake tan. I tend to only use what product is left on the mit to rub it into these areas.
  5. SWEEP UP AND DOWN – This helps to get good coverage quickly, you can then buff in small circles if that’s what you’re use to but I tend to just follow the sweeping motion and it works.
  6. TIME IS RELATIVE – The bottle indicates up to six hours but on 2 occasions I only left the Ultra Dark on for about 2 hours or so and found I got the same result. I also noticed that even after I wash off the product it still gets darker as the hours pass by (I’m not complaining!)
  7. WATCH YOUR CLOTHING – The only negative is that yes it does transfer onto anything and everything that your skin touches! It leaves like a pink hue which doesn’t stain and is washable at 30 degrees but so annoying if you got fancy PJs.
  8. MOISTURISE FROM THEN ON – after you’ve completed the process and only if you’re not going to do another application begin to moisturise your skin as normal. This is probably what also keeps the tan developing and helps maintains that golden hue.

Let me know if you use Bondi Sands and your experience, would love to hear some of your top tips as well.




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